Are Oil Boilers Being Phased Out?

Posted in Wundatherm

Do you own an oil boiler? If so, you may have heard that oil boilers are being phased out because they are considered inefficient and expensive to run. The new trend is gas boilers, which are much cleaner and cheaper to operate. Are oil boilers really going away?

What Are Oil Boilers?

As the name suggests, oil boilers are fueled by oil. They were first used in the early 1900s as a way of heating homes without using electricity. Since then, they’ve become one of the most popular types of heaters for residential use.

However, over the last few years, they have declined in usage. Instead, the majority of homes are now powered by gas boilers. Gas boilers are more efficient than oil boilers, and they also cost less to operate. This has led many homeowners to switch from oil boilers to gas ones.

There are still plenty of people who prefer oil boilers. Though they may be in the minority, some people are still happy to use this type of boiler.

How Do Oil Burners Work?

Though they are seemingly vastly different, oil boilers are comparable to gas boilers in terms of how they work. Both types of boilers burn fuel to produce hot water or steam. However, they do it differently.

Gas boilers use natural gas to create the hot water needed to heat your home. In contrast, an oil boiler uses oil to create this heat. This hot water will then be used by radiators and taps, allowing you to have central heating.

To store this oil, a tank will be required. As a result, you will need to have an oil tank fitted in your home if you intend to use this variety of boiler. This may be an annoyance if you have limited space in your house, as these tanks can be quite large.

Why Should I Switch From Oil To Gas?

To determine whether you should make the switch, you will first need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of oil boilers. These include:


You can have oil boilers installed outside if you prefer. This will be great for people with large gardens but small houses.

Also, oil boilers have been used for decades. As a result, you can rely on the fact that they are safe and effective to use.

They are quite quiet. Though old oil boilers may be noisy, new models will produce less sound.

In the unlikely event of your boiler leaking, they will be much less dangerous than gas boilers.


Oil boilers are also not very environmentally-friendly. To be fair, neither are gas or electric boilers. However, oil boilers are even worse for the environment, producing considerably more carbon than gas boilers.

This carbon will be released into the atmosphere, damaging it. Therefore, we recommend finding a low-carbon alternative.

Oil can also be quite expensive. In fact, prices can vary considerably. This can make it costly to heat your home. You may want a more budget-friendly option if you are not willing to spend a lot of money on your energy bills.

As mentioned, the tanks can take up a substantial amount of space. This will not be ideal for people with small homes. Even if you have an external tank, it will still take up some of your outdoor space.

The decreased availability of these boilers means that it is hard to find new oil boilers. If your boiler breaks, it may also be difficult to obtain the new parts.

This may be a particularly important consideration if you have an outdoor tank. This is because they are more vulnerable and will need to withstand harsh elements.


Therefore, we recommend getting a gas boiler once your oil-fired boiler breaks. After all, there is little point in paying to have a boiler replaced unless it is necessary.

However, you should eventually make the switch. After all, it can save you money in the long run.

Will They Be Phased Out?

Currently, there are no intentions to have oil boilers banned as they are being phased out of new builds by 2025. However, their popularity is declining due to rising costs and environmental concerns. As a result, manufacturers are seeking alternative ways to heat homes, such as gas boilers.

This means that oil boilers may soon disappear altogether. This should not be a cause for concern. Your boiler will not be banned just because it is powered by oil.

On the other hand, these models are clearly being phased out. The fact that they are less easy to obtain is an indication of this.

If you are intent on keeping your oil boiler, you may have to deal with the fact that they are decreasing in popularity.

Oil Boilers: The Verdict

Oil boilers are very old and inefficient. They burn oil to heat water into steam. In recent years, however, these boilers have become less efficient and more costly to operate.

As a result, some utilities are replacing them with newer models that use natural gas instead of coal or oil.

While oil boilers are being replaced with gas ones, there are still plenty of homes using them. If you want to save money on your energy bills, consider switching to a gas boiler or a heatpump.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Have To Replace My Old Oil Boiler?

No, you do not have to do this if you do not want to. However, you should consider it if your oil boiler no longer works.

As you can see, they are not the most effective of central heating solutions. If your boiler no longer works or is beginning to be less functional, we advise getting an upgrade.

How Long Will An Oil Boiler Last For? 

This will vary. Most oil boilers are meant to last for about 15 years. You should bear in mind that it will only survive this long if the boiler is well looked after. Otherwise, an oil boiler is unlikely to live longer than 10 years.

Final Thoughts

Overall, oil boilers are becoming obsolete. There are many good reasons why you should get a gas boiler or heatpump instead. It is cheaper, cleaner, and safer than an oil boiler.

Therefore, if you want to save money, go for it!

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