Five ways to take advantage of summer and make sure your heating works smarter, not harder in the Winter

Posted in Underfloor Heating Articles



The warmer weather allows ample opportunity to consider replacing any out of action components. It’s also an ideal time of year to arrange a boiler service or carry out tedious maintenance jobs such as flushing radiators. Summer can also provide the breathing space we need to audit our heating system. Here’s a checklist to future proof your home ahead of winter:


  1. Check your insulation

Ultimately, any heating system is going to either underperform or cost you more money due to a longer running time if your home isn’t properly insulated.

We can lose up to 25% of heat through the roof of an uninsulated home, so this is a great place to start to help save on costly bills. Ensure your home is properly equipped to retain the heat you’re using, including investing in triple or double glazing and eliminating any draughts.

Consider fitting your hot water cylinder with an insulating jacket – it could save you £35 a year in heating costs as well as 115kg of carbon emissions.

  1. Explore underfloor heating

Underfloor heating (UFH) can be an incredibly efficient and cost-effective system for the home, with minimal installation requirements and very little maintenance overall.


There are different types of UFH available; electric systems are really only advisable in small spaces such as a bathroom due to high running costs, however a water-based system costs much less (60%!) to run and is much more environmentally-friendly thanks to lower energy consumption.


An on-demand water-based UFH system like Wunda’s can warm up an entire room in just 30 minutes via its piping network and, with a focus on even distribution, it can tackle cold spots which can be common in rooms with radiators.


As well space-saving and not having to worry about unsightly wall-based radiators, UFH systems offer constant warmth and comfort, eliminating the cold shock when walking barefoot.


With minimal maintenance required on the manifold, UFH systems are built to last and come with a 50-year warranty on pipes and boards. Summer is the perfect time to consider a system – and you may just be shocked to find it’s not as expensive as you may have thought.

  1. Zone your heating by installing a smart system

An effective way to help manage rising energy costs – and to keep the whole household happy – is by zoning your heating. With the WundaSmart system, different rooms within the house can maintain different preferred temperatures.


Keep your home office warmer throughout the day than the rest of the house, or maintain a cooler temperature in the bedroom in the evening while the living room is the right amount of cosy. You’ll save money on your bills (up to a third, in fact) by effectively using less energy to unnecessarily heat the entire home.


  1. Research Heatpumps

Consider partnering underfloor heating with an air-source heat pump for the ideal spread of heat throughout rooms. Using an on-demand system like Rapid Response® is the perfect accompaniment to a heat pump as it is controllable. The Wunda Rapid Response® system is the perfect partner for heat pumps. Allowing them to operate at their most efficient coefficient of performance ratings (COP) 300-400%+.


When installed correctly (outside of your home, with plenty of room for airflow), a domestic heat pump could reduce energy by up to two thirds, meaning lower energy bills.


Plus, a heat pump works by capturing energy (or heat) from the environment and uses only a small amount of electricity to produce warm water to heat the inside of your house, making it much more energy efficient than other systems.


Just bear in mind that you’ll need outdoor space for installation and it will require a partner such as underfloor heating to ensure your home receives an optimal temperature.

  1. Ditch electric heaters once and for all

Electric heaters can be incredibly tempting – either for some extra heat on particularly cold mornings, a boost when the rest of your household is too warm for the main heating to be on or, you may even think it’s more cost effective.


While they can be convenient, the costs associated with an electric heater can soon add up. The cost of electricity per hour is higher than gas; if you were to run a 2,000 watt electric heater for 24 hours, it could cost you more than  £13*, alternatively, heating the space with floor heating at the same output would cost just £3.53** and £4.85*** via gas or air source heat pump, respectively.


If you find yourself turning to an electric heater regularly, consider why. Perhaps your house – or a particular room – are not well insulated, meaning heat escapes easily so you feel the need to boost it more often. Make sure doors are closed and, as well as loft and cavity wall insulation, consider adding rugs and soft furnishings to your space to trap warmth.


Equally, if you’re using an electric heater in an open-plan room or you have high ceilings, you won’t feel the benefit of the heat very quickly, meaning you’ll leave the heater running longer, racking up the energy bills.


Even if you’re only using an electric heater for a short time in one enclosed space, while the heating remains off in the rest of the house, it could still be counterproductive. Whatever you save on heating will quickly be eaten up by electricity. Whereas with a smart heating system like WundaSmart you can optimise your heating system to only heat the rooms you are in – this method is also known as ‘zoning’ It’s like having that quick boost of an electric heater at a fraction of the cost!  costs it makes up for in electricity. It it’s less costly but overall, not a particularly energy-efficient habit in the long-term.


Floor heating

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